nullmethod Greg Ose


I do application security at GitHub. Breaking things, building things, making GitHub applications more secure.

Previously, a Technical Specialist of Security Engineering at “the world’s leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace,” Senior Security Consultant at Neohapsis, Software Engineer (Linux Kernel and Device Drivers) at Motorola, Research Assistant at CERIAS, and Security Analyst at Purdue University ITaP.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Purdue University and have taught as an Adjunct Professor at DePaul University (SE 526 - Software Security Assessment).

I possess a strong background and extensive experience in software security assessment, exploitation, software security architecture, and penetration testing. I have developed software in C, Java, Python, Ruby, and others.

When not doing application security I’m enjoying:

  1. beer,
  2. electronics,
  3. espresso, or
  4. whiskey.

Email me at web [at] nullmethod.
